This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: CR3000.
21XL Micrologger® with Rechargeable Battery Base
修理 非対応
キャリブレーション 非対応
フリーサポート 非対応


The 21XL Micrologger featured a self-contained package that had an integrated power supply, keyboard, and display. Its on-board power supply contained sealed rechargeable batteries.




The 21XL Micrologger featured a self-contained package that had an integrated power supply, keyboard, and display. Its on-board power supply contained sealed rechargeable batteries.

The 21XL provided 8 differential (16 single-ended) analog input channels, 4 switched excitation outputs, 2 continuous analog outputs, 6 control ports, and 4 pulse counting channels. It had a CS I/O port that was labeled Serial I/O; an SC32A or SC32B was required for communications with a PC. The 21XL stored up to 19,296 data points in its internal memory.

Internal software PROMs (Firmware), ac rejection, and temperature testing were ordered at time of purchase. The 21XL needed three PROMs for any Windows software to communicate with it. Two PROMs had only three *B windows; three PROMS had nine *B windows.For descriptions of PROMs, see Ordering Info.


Analog Input Channels 8 differential (16 single-ended)
Switched Excitation Outputs 4
Continuous Analog Outputs 2
Control Ports 6
Pulse Count Channels 4
Memory Stores 19,296 data points in internal memory.


A typical field-based 21XL system consisted of:

 • 21XL Micrologger
 • Weatherproof Enclosure
 • Communications Peripheral(s)
 • Programming and Communications Software
 • Sensors


21XLに関するよくある質問の数: 1

  1. A practical maximum is to connect one multiplexer per every two control terminals on the data logger. Control terminals can be shared between multiplexers to increase the number of connected multiplexers. Sharing terminals, however, requires more complex wiring and programming. Users who would like to connect more than one multiplexer per every two control terminals are advised to contact a sales or support engineer at Campbell Scientific for assistance.

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