ambient air quality services, inc.


107 Hidden Fox Drive
Lincoln University, PA 19352-1205

Phone: 484.224.6218 ext 202
Fax: 484.224.6218


Ambient Air Quality Services, Inc. (AAQS) is a total service air quality consulting firm specializing in providing senior experienced technical staff. At AAQS, our name is our expertise.

Our team of experienced air pollution meteorologists and engineers provides sophisticated air quality modeling, ambient air monitoring services, and air pollution control engineering for industry and government. AAQS staff is experienced in the design and operation of air quality and meteorological monitoring programs. These programs have been utilized to characterize existing or background conditions, support PSD preconstruction monitoring, collect representative meteorological data for air quality modeling studies, and support the operations of site remediations over a period of 4 to 12 months and multi-year programs of 3 to 5 years. These monitoring programs cover a range of configurations including Doppler SODAR systems, tall meteorological towers with multiple levels of sensors, continuous monitoring of SO2, NOx, O3, and CO, and periodic sampling for TSP and PM10.


New Jersey
New York
West Virginia


Air Quality and Pollution Instrumentation

Certified Campbell Scientific Partner


Pennsylvania: Monitoring Landfills
Landfills present many environmental challenges, ranging from odor control to groundwater quality. Continuous, accurate monitoring of site conditions provides data......続きを読む