This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: CPEC310.

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The CPEC100 is a closed-path eddy-covariance (EC) flux system for long-term monitoring of atmosphere-biosphere exchanges of carbon dioxide, momentum, water vapor, and heat. The turn-key system capitalizes on Campbell Scientific’s 15-plus years of developing, manufacturing, and operating atmospheric sampling systems for measuring trace gases. It uses miniature valves mounted on an innovative, custom-designed, compact manifold to perform automatic, on-site zero and span calibrations at the system operating pressure to ensure accurate gas concentration measurements.


CSAT3H Heater Controller v.14.2 (46 KB) 02-02-2021

The CSAT3H Heater Controller ships with this encrypted program. This program is for the unlikely event that the program needs to be re-installed or updated to a newer version. Please contact Campbell Scientific if you have questions about the program or would like the algorithm modified for a specific application.

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