データロガー / CR23X-4M
This product is no longer available and has been replaced by: CR3000.
CR23X-4M Micrologger
修理 非対応
キャリブレーション 対応
フリーサポート 非対応


The CR23X-4M could store over 2,000,000 data points.

The CR23X-4M Micrologger® was a portable, self-contained package. It consisted of measurement and control electronics, communication ports, keyboard, 2-line alphanumeric display, power supply, and a battery-backed clock. The CR23X-4M measured most sensor types directly, communicated via modems, reduced data, controlled external devices, and stored both data and programs in either non-volatile Flash memory or battery-backed SRAM.



  • Compact, self-contained data logger
  • Data format options are mixed array (default) or table



The CR23X-4M is a self-contained, rugged data logger that can measure most sensor types directly, communicate via modems, reduce data, control external devices, and store both data and programs in either non-volatile Flash memory or battery-backed SRAM.

The CR23X-4M has an integral, 2-line, alphanumeric display and power supply. A battery-backed, real-time clock and 4M of nonvolatile data storage is included. The CR23X-4M Microloggers are available with a sealed rechargeable battery base, an alkaline base, or in a low-profile version without batteries.


Analog Inputs 24 single-ended or 12 differential, individually configured
Pulse Counters 4
Switched Voltage Excitations 4
Control/Digital I/O Ports 8
Continuous Analog Outputs 2
Serial I/O Port (CS I/O) 1
RS-232 Port 1
Scan Rate 100 Hz
Burst Mode 1500 Hz
Analog Voltage Resolution To 0.33 uV
A/D Bits 15
Programming Edlog
Data Storage Mixed Array, Table
Telecommunications Standard, Modbus, Alert
Standard Operating Temperature Range -25° to +50°C
Extended Operating Temperature Range -40° to +80°C
Corrected Display Temperature -20° to +40°C
Survival Display Temperature -40° to +85°C


A typical field-based CR23X-M system consisted of:

  • CR23X-M Micrologger with specified Operating System and Alkaline, Rechargeable, or User-Supplied Power Supply
  • Weatherproof Enclosure
  • Communications Peripheral(s)
  • Programming and Communications Software
  • Sensors
  • Data retrieval peripherals



CR23X OS v.1.19 (690 KB) 28-03-2006

Execution of this download installs the CR23X Operating System (Mixed-Array) on your computer.

Note: The Device Configuration Utility is used to upload the included operating system to the datalogger.

CR23X-TD OS v.1.15 (703 KB) 28-03-2006

Execution of this download installs the CR23X Table Data Operating System on your computer.

Note: The Device Configuration Utility is used to upload the included operating system to the datalogger.

CR23X-PB OS v.1.10 (706 KB) 28-03-2006

Execution of this download installs the CR23X PakBus Operating System on your computer.

Note: The Device Configuration Utility is used to upload the included operating system to the datalogger.

Device Configuration Utility v.2.31 (47.0 MB) 18-12-2024

A software utility used to download operating systems and set up Campbell Scientific hardware. Also will update PakBus Graph and the Network Planner if they have been installed previously by another Campbell Scientific software package.

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 11 or 10 (Both 32 and 64 bit)



CR23X-4Mに関するよくある質問の数: 2

  1. E08 errors are occasionally created by voltage surges or transient voltages. Section 3.9 of the CR23X manual explains in greater detail what a watchdog is and possible causes.  If these are happening frequently, it is likely an issue with the system  that needs to be resolved. The first step in this resolution process would be to check the system power (inputs and outputs) and verify it is within the expected tolerances as outlined in the Specifications page (OV-23) of the CR23X Micrologger Operator's Manual

  2. 実用的な最大値は、データロガーの 2 つのCターミナルごとに 1 つのマルチプレクサを接続することです。Cターミナルをマルチプレクサ間で共有して、接続するマルチプレクサの数を増やすことができます。ただし、ターミナルを共有するには、より複雑な配線とプログラミングが必要です。2 つのCターミナルごとに 1 つ以上のマルチプレクサを接続したいユーザーは、Campbell Scientific の営業またはサポート エンジニアに問い合わせて支援を受けることをお勧めします。

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