This product is no longer available.
ENC200 Enclosure for CR200X-Series Dataloggers with 5 Cable Entry Seals


The ENC200 is a very small enclosure that was designed to hold one CR200(X)-series datalogger and the 16869 Sealed Rechargeable Battery. The data logger is secured to the ENC200 with screws and grommets; the battery is held in place with a Velcro strap. Five compression fittings are provided for sensor cable entry; there are also specialized connectors for a solar panel, antenna, and system ground. 

Note: The ENC200 is retired. If a small enclosure is needed for a CR300 or CR310 datalogger, Campbell Scientific recommends using the ENC8/10



  • White, UV-stabilized enclosure reflects solar radiation—reducing temperature gradients inside the enclosure without requiring a separate radiation shield


ENC200 mounted to a pole, front view
ENC200 mounted to a pole, side view


Applications with minimal power requirements can use the ENC200 enclosure to house the data logger and the pn 16869 sealed rechargeable battery. It is a very small enclosure.

The logger is secured to the ENC200 with screws and grommets; the battery is held in place with a Velcro strap. Five compression fittings are provided for sensor cable entry; there are also specialized connectors for a solar panel, antenna, and system ground.

Note: For a CR206X, CR211X, or CR216X enclosed in an ENC200, it is necessary to use an antenna. Compatible antennas are listed in the “Common Accessories” section of the Ordering Info page for each data logger:

An antenna is not necessary for the CR200X because it doesn’t have a radio. An antenna is also not necessary for the CR295X because it uses a GOES satellite transmitter.


  • 15.9 x 12.7 x 6.1 cm (6.25 x 5 x 2.4 in.) internal
  • 17.0 x 14.0 x 9.5 cm (6.7 x 5.5 x 3.7 in.) external of box, excluding connectors


The ENC200 enclosure can house a CR200(X)-series datalogger and the 16869 sealed rechargeable battery. It cannot house a barometer or a battery that is larger than the 16869.



ENC200に関するよくある質問の数: 7


  1. Not including the connectors, the ENC200’s external dimensions are 6.7” x 5.5” x 3.7”.

  2. The 16876 (ENC200 & TW AC Power Transformer) is used with the ENC200 and 16869 sealed rechargeable battery. The 16876 includes a 20 ft power cable and a wall transformer. One end of the power cable attaches to the ENC200 power connector, and the other end attaches to the wall transformer. The wall transformer has a 6 ft cable that plugs into an ac wall socket. To use this transformer kit, ac power must be available at the ENC200 location.

  3. The ENC200 can accommodate a CR200X-series datalogger and a 16869 battery. This enclosure cannot accommodate a larger battery, a larger data logger, or any additional devices.

  4. The 16869 sealed rechargeable battery is optimized for use with the ENC200. (Larger batteries won’t fit inside the enclosure.)
  5. The ENC200 ships with a 2 in. diameter U-bolt with two nuts (pn 17492) and a lock washer (pn 4366). Additional accessories can be purchased from the Ordering information area of the ENC200 product page.  

  6. エンクロージャに必要な乾燥剤の量や、乾燥剤の交換時期を簡単に計算する方法はありません。交換間隔は、次の条件によって左右されます:

    • エンクロージャがさらされる湿度
    • エンクロージャのサイズ
    • エンクロージャのドアが開けられる頻度とドアが開いたままの時間
    • エンクロージャの気密性

    エンクロージャ内で一度に複数の乾燥剤パケットを使用すると便利な場合があります。Campbell Scientific では、必要に応じて交換できるように、エンクロージャ内の乾燥剤を余分に用意しておくことを推奨しています。

  7. 湿度インジケータ カード (pn 28878) の一番上の色の点がピンク色に変わったら、乾燥剤を交換する必要があります。湿度インジケータ カードは、各エンクロージャに同梱されているエンクロージャ供給キットに含まれています。CS210 (エンクロージャ湿度センサー) を使用する場合は、測定湿度が 35% を超えたら乾燥剤を交換してください。

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