I am working on a site that has a large number of remote stations (AVW206 and VW Piezometers). I am trying to call each piezometer with an AVW200 command inside a for() statement, with variables for PakBusID and starting Multiplexer channels (i.e. call channel 1, then 2, then 4, then 3 in order to get each instrument sequential). A list of each multiplexer channel that the piezometers are connected to is stored in a 1D array calMultiPort(). While I can compile in CRBasic, when I upload to the datalogger I get the following error:
line 1632: Variable illegal in Parameter: calMultiPort(i)
The program is set up like this:
For i=1 To 60 AVW200(ResultsChan(i),ComSDC7,-1,calPakBusID(i),AVW(i,1),1,calMultiPort(i),1,1400,3500,1,_60Hz,1,0)
LNRTH = LN(AVW(i,6)) 'assign variable for faster calculations
VW_T(i) = 1/(C0+C1*LNRTH+C2*LNRTH*LNRTH*LNRTH)-273.15 'calculate the temperatures from each piezometer
THead(i) = Round(((((calCF(i)*(BUnits(i)-calLi(i)))+(calTk(i)*(VW_T(i)-calTi(i)))-(baroApply(i)*(0.1*(baro_mbar-calBi(i))))*calUnitCorrection(i))/(1.23*9.81))+caltip(i)),2)
Next i
What datalogger OS version are you compiling it on?
OS Version: CR800.Std.06
OS Date: 080115
OS Signature: 11497
That OS version is very out of date. Download the most recent CR800 OS, and run that exe on your computer to update the compiler.
Thanks for the info. I had not checked the OS versions of most of this equipment before (I believe that the datalogger was originally installed in 2008 and has not been regularly updated). Looking at the documentation this requires a trip to the logger to manually update the OS - I will try this and see what results I get.
Updating the OS has fixed the issue and now everything appears to be working.