I have purchased a CR1000X and Hukeflux NR01 assuming that the programming would be similar to using a CR1000. The example CR1000 program in the radiometer manual does not work with the 4WPB100 as indicated, I think there is some ommision or typo (it never measured Diff6). It also mentions using a 3WHB10K, but I cannot figure out the wiring. I don't understand why I need these adaptors, maybe this is not need for the CR1000X? The voltage ranges are pretty different from CR1000. This is the wiring and program from the manual (omitting major parts):
PT100 Temperature Sensor Connections to 4WPB100 and Datalogger
Color Function 4WPB100 CR1000
Black Wire EX1
H 5H
Red PT100 Excitation + L 5L
Blue PT100 Excitation – G ⏚
White PT100 Signal + 6H
Green PT100 Signal – 6L
'NR01 Net Radiometer measurements SR01Up, SR01Dn, IR01Up, IR01Dn, NR01TC, NR01TK,
'NetRs, NetRl, Albedo, UpTot, DnTot, NetTot, IR01UpCo, and IR01DnCo
'For the CR1000, use autorange for the SR01 measurements due to the wide dynamic range
* VoltDiff(SR01Up,1,autorange,1,True,0,_50Hz,SR01UpCal,0)
* VoltDiff(SR01Dn,1,autorange,2,True,0,_50Hz,SR01DownCal,0)
* VoltDiff(IR01Up,1,mV7_5,3,True,0,_50Hz,IR01Upcal,0)
* VoltDiff(IR01Dn,1,mV7_5,4,True,0,_50Hz,IR01DownCal,0)
** BrHalf4W (NR01TC,1,mV25,mV25,5,Vx1,1,2100,True ,True ,0,250,1.0,0)
Solved my own problem. Hopefully this helps someone else since the manual lacks this and Shortcut currently lacks NR01 support for CR1000X.
For NR01 and CR1000X:
4wire option, with 4WPB100, wire as in NR01 manual (H port on adaptor is left open). 2 DIFF ports used. The instruction appears correclty in the manual.
3wire option, with 3WHB10K, wire like so:
'Color Function 3WHB10K CR1000X
' ----- ------- ---- ----
' Black excitation Black Wire VX1
' Red PT100 Exicit+ H 1SE
' Blue PT100 Exicit- G Ground Symbol
' White PT100 Signal + L 2SE
' Green PT100 Signal - G Ground Symbol
'This is the measurement instruction. My issue was not having the multiplier set to 100. It was at 1, which made the resistance measurement super low, and the corresponding PRT temp too low.
BrHalf3W (NR01TC_raw,1,mV200,1,Vx1,1,2100,True,0,60,100,0)