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Does CRBasic Editor support code-folding? What alternative IDEs can I use to write CRBasic apps?

Minh T. Oct 31, 2017 06:35 PM

I've been spoiled by the IDEs of other programming languages but there are merits to certain features, especially those that help developers manage large bodies of code. Given the verbosity of the CRBasic syntax, wouldn't editor features like code-folding be useful? While there are features of the IDE that are tremendously helpful, there is room for improvement. 

In the meantime, I wanted to know if there are other IDEs or build tools I can use to write CRBasic applications. 

I know that Notepad++ allows you to define keywords to indicate sections of code that can be folded (and other features like keyword coloring) but it's not integrated with the CS build tools. I can probably use Corascript to automate the build process but this would be a very hack-and-slash solution. 

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