Hi there, just opened the CR1000X logger box and ran a quick test using the template program measuring Batt, Ptemp and AirTemp using a T thermocouple, and noticed the internal battery is reading 0 V. Is that normal?
Power the datalogger off, then back on. There should be a reading for the lithium battery then.
The CR1000X and CR6 are shipped with the lithium battery switched off to not draw from it while on the shelf or in shipping. It becomes enabled when you connect main power to the datalogger again. The battery is read on startup and occasionally by a background process. You must have gone through the quick test pretty fast.
If you are powering via USB, the battery voltage will show up as 0V.
Gotcha ya. Powering on and off using USB haven~t changed the ZERO output. Will unplug the USB and use a 12-V power supply to see if it works. Thanks!
You can have both USB and 12V connected.
When you said "internal battery", I immediately thought of the lithium battery. We chose to mark battery at 0V when running off USB as an indication that devices requiring 12V from the datalogger won't run.