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How can I connect a CR5000 and a CR1000 using 3 MD485 modens?

Georgia Dec 4, 2017 05:21 PM

How can I connect a CR5000 and a CR1000 using 3 MD485 modens?
Is this possible? What would the configuration of the modens be like?

Thank you so much.

JDavis Dec 4, 2017 07:25 PM

The CR5000 does not support Pakbus, so it would only work in MD9 emulation mode. There is a section in the MD485 manual.

jtrauntvein Dec 4, 2017 08:03 PM

I believe that the CR5000 does support both the ModBusMaster() and ModBusSlave() instructions so it may be possible to transfer data using ModBus protocol.

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