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RTMC wrong data

lotfy_it@hotmail.com Mar 14, 2018 12:05 PM

I have an issue with RTMC:

The RTMC project is displaying static wrong data everytime I open it (while the datalogger is physcailly disconnected). I moved old DAT files collected previously by loggernet to another location (In case it is taking data from them) but with no change. Can anyone help with this?

JDavis Mar 14, 2018 03:36 PM

RTMC is reading data from the data cache. The data cache is a binary copy of the data Loggernet has collected from the datalogger. It is stored in a separate location than your .dat files. It is best not to manually delete data cache files.

If the datalogger is connected, you can reset the data cache from the Connect screen. Choose 'Update Table Definitions' from the 'Datalogger' menu and choose the Reset option. This is the easiest option.

If you are unable to connect the datalogger, you could delete the datalogger from Setup. Apply the change. Then, add the datalogger back in using the same station name. That should clear the cache also. Keep the same station name, so you don't have to change RTMC screens.

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