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RTMC Pro Server Time

jarlu Mar 21, 2018 06:58 PM


I have a server data source that is pointing to localhost which has been used to display server time on a website posted using RTMC Pro.  This formerly worked, but now displays 1/1/1990 12:00 A.M.  The server time is accurately tracked at the bottom of the status monitor, and is also accurately tracked in RTMC Pro when in development mode.  The data source status at the bottom of the RTMC Pro development is green.

Does anyone have suggestions that could get the server time to accurately display when the website is posted?


Terri Apr 4, 2018 06:59 PM

I am sorry. I tested this and it is broken as you found out. There isn't a software update being released any time soon to fix it. Hopefully you can work around it with a station time since that will work in web pages.

Declare a public variable as string. After the scan, set the variable to the timestamp of the station's status table. You will need to use one of the other Digital Displays to display the variable.


Public StatusTime as string

Scan (1,sec,0,0)
   StatusTime = Status.Timestamp

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