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issue with sdk/compiler

grattis Apr 11, 2018 07:21 AM

Hello all,

I have been using lgrnetsdk with c++ builder xe4 for years. I have upgraded to c++ builder 10.2.3. When I compile the same code with c++ builder 10.2.3, value interface get_columnName() works ok but get_value() returns null. The point is the same code compiling with xe4 is working as expected. I'd be much obliged If anyone knows which compiler setting I need to change on c++ builder 10.2 IDE.

Happy coding...


tmecham Apr 11, 2018 03:12 PM

Hello Goksel,

I don't use C++ Builder, but I dug into the get_value function and see that it is doing a VariantCopy.  


I poked around a little, and it sounds like they change how they import COM objects recently.  I'm not sure if this is your issue, but it gives you a little more information to go on.


Good Luck!

grattis Apr 15, 2018 08:31 AM

Hello tmecham,

I have tried the things you have adviced here  but no success again. I think loggernet server sdk has some issues with rad studio 10.2. I am going to wait an update.

Thank you

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