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CR1000 OS uploading

bobbybaz Apr 13, 2018 02:53 PM

Trying to upload a new OS to a CR1000. I downloaded the latest version from the Website but device config can't see it. I downloaded the latest version of Loghgernet 4.5 and the latest version of device config.  Follow the instructions in Device config but it still can't see the new file. What do I do ?

AMK Apr 13, 2018 03:54 PM

Did you double click on the OS you downloaded and then look for the OS file in the Campbellsci OS directory?

iog Apr 13, 2018 04:14 PM

If you go to our website:


and run the executable when it downloads, the installer should put a copy of the OBJ file in the:


Dev Config should look in this folder automatically

bobbybaz Apr 16, 2018 11:22 AM

Thanks for the responses. I had not realised that the download from Campbell was not the actual OS, but an app that directs the OS to the right folder within Loggernet on my PC. I eventually worked that out, and it all went well.

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