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Set priority for receive data from dattaloguers

BiTFx Apr 21, 2018 05:49 PM

Hello, we have many stations connected to RF network reporting to Server, but we have few of them that we need give priority when server get data from CR-1000 to assure data are available in our system.

We configured collect and retry times in Scheduled tab in Server, but i want to know if we can set some Priority to assure data get collected.


Sam Apr 23, 2018 01:09 AM

With regards to stations polled by LoggerNet, I believe the best way to do this is to use the "Base" "Time" setting under "Schedule". For example, if you are collecting from 5 stations every 5 minutes you could use the base time setting to offset the start of one or more of the collections. For example, you could set the first station with a base time of 12:00:00 AM, the second with 12:01:00 AM, the third to 12:02:00 AM, etc.

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