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Using command SDI12Recorder ()

Apafos May 5, 2018 05:40 PM

Hello everyone!

I am programming a temperature and relative humidity sensor CS215L and I am using the SDI12Recorder () command in the following program.

SDI12Recorder (CS215 (), "R!")

The problem is that sending it to PC400 tells me that "R!" = NaN

Are I missing imput values? What is the problem?

Thank you all for your attention!

GaryTRoberts May 8, 2018 02:45 PM

May I ask what datalogger you are using. In the latest operating systems, SDI12Recorder() requires more paramaters than you have listed:

SDI12Recorder ( Dest, SDIPort, SDIAddress, "SDICommand", Multiplier, Offset, FillNAN (optional), WaitonTimeout (optional) ) 


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