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other FILECLOSE error codes and their meaning

smile May 22, 2018 04:50 AM


I'm having problems with error code of FILECLOSE.

The fileclose statement responds -1 while CRbasic help lists only code 17 for file that does not exist.

Help says that there are some error codes without saying what they are and let alone what causes can generate them.

From CrBasic help:

"This function returns 0 if successful. A non-zero result means there was an error in closing the FileHandle. An error code of 17 means the FileHandle did not exist. FileHandle is the variable that was created by the FileOpen instruction.

Note that this instruction does not reset the original value assigned to FileHandle."

Please help me, let me know

many thanks


Carolyn May 24, 2018 05:56 PM

The Help for FileClose needs to be updated. Currently, the only two possible return values for FileClose(handle) are 0 and -1.  0 means success, -1 means that the handle passed in was not valid. 17 was returned at some point in past OSs if a file pointer was invalid.

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