I am having an issue where I want to run a subscan for a CSAT3B Sonic Anemometer at a faster rate than my main scan. However, I am getting an error "No measurements in SubScan", despite the fact that I am calling the CSAT3B() function to get data from the device. Here is an excerpt from my code.
DataTable(Table1, True-1)
DataInterval(0,250, mSec,10)
' A bunch of Sample() commands
DataTable(Table2, True, -1)
DataInteval(0,5, Min, 10)
' A bunch of Average() commands
DataTable(SonicData, 1, -1)
DataInterval(0,0,0,1) ' I put this here based on advice from https://www.campbellsci.com/forum?forum=1&l=thread&tid=1233
Sample(5, CSATVals(1), IEEE4)
DataTable(MonitorValue, 1, -1)
Sample(4, CSATMonitorVals(1), IEEE4)
Begin Prog
Scan(250,mSec, 500,0)
' -----Measurements-----
'Battery, Panel Temp, EE 181 Temp and Rel Humidity,
'CS 215 Temp and Rel Humidity, CS 100 Barometric, NR-LITE2 Net Radiometer,
'Type E Thermocouple, CS655 Water Content Reflectometer, HFP01 Voltage
SubScan(50, mSec, 5)
CSAT3B(CSATVals(), 1, CPI_ADDR, 0)
NextSubScan ' ---- Error is here -------
Scan(5, Sec, 0, 0)
CSAT3BMonitor(CSATMonitorVals(), 1, CPI_ADDR)
Any ideas on how to fix this? I have perused the manual and cannot find anything that would explain this. Thank you for your time and assistance.
What is your reason for not using a fast main scan and slow sequences?
Your program refrences this forum post:
Are you also trying to use PulseCount in the same program like that customer was?
The reason I am not using a fast main scan and slow sequences is that the slow sequence never reports any data when in that setup. My hypothesis is that the main scan is too fast and the program never has time to process the slow sequence.
I am not using PulseCount, so I don't think I have the same issue as the other customer.
Which OS does the datalogger have? The current release for the CR1000 and CR3000 is 32.02.
I was told that the CSAT3B instructions cannot be used in a SubScan because it cannot work there.