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RTMCPro XY Chart + Age Gradient = No Legend?

kullboys Aug 1, 2018 07:07 AM

Hello everyone

I've looked through the forum but didn't see any similar issues, so hopefully I'm just doing something wrong that someone can point out.  I have an XY chart in RTMCPro and I've plotted several different series on the plot, so I have the Legend plotted to help me identify which series is which.  I also want to have the Age Gradient option checked so that I can tell which points are newer vs older.  However, when I check this option, the legend mark in the legend goes invisible for that series.  Is there a way to have the age gradient on while still having a useful legend?

Also, separate but related question, it seems that the age gradient is only functional on the fill of a mark, not the outline.  Is there a way to have the outline fade as well?


SteveA Aug 1, 2018 12:49 PM

I had an incredibly similar question and the response is in the link below.



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