How can i do the syncronization between modem (Sierra Wireless LS300) and datalogger (CR6) , without using the sc105 interface?
Can it be done using a network cable?
Configure the SC105 with these settings:
CS I/O Mode: SDC Address 7 (may need to change if other devices are also connected to CS I/O)
RS 232 Mode: Modem
Baud Rate: 115200
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Data Bits: 8
If you are using PPP mode, ComSDC7 is the active port to choose. The settings on the LS300 will be the same as if it was connected to RS232 directly on a datalogger.
Is not possible to do without sc105?
I tried using port forwarding on ls300 , and connect directly cr6 datalogger (ethernet ip : and ls300 interface ( , and forward some ports that datalogger uses to send information outside (like 6785, etc.) , but still no luck