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Expand CR1000X Control ports

anbo Aug 23, 2018 06:23 PM

Hello all, is it possible to expand the Control ports on the CR1000X somehow?

I'm working on a project where I have to connect 6 Vector Instruments A100R, 2 PTB 110 and a Windobserver 70 to a CR1000X. This means I'll need 12 Control ports, and I'm looking for a way to overcome this.
Will it be possible to use a 16/32 Multiplexer to do this?

Best regards,


JDavis Aug 23, 2018 06:38 PM

You can't use a multiplexer with pulse signals. You would miss counts.

If you need extra pulse inputs, a SDM-IO16 could be used. It occupies C1, C2, and C3 but has 16 inputs on it.

The PTB110 is the analog output barometer. The control port is only used for switching it on and off. By wiring those to be on always, you wouldn't need control ports for it. 

The A100R can be read on P channels, so two could be used on those.

I think you have enough channels without expansion.

anbo Aug 24, 2018 02:30 PM


Thank you, it seems that the SDM-IO16 is exactly what I am looking for. I forgot to mention, but I will also need to include 3 HC2-S3CO3 AT/RH probes, so the 16 port expansion will be needed. 

Thank you.

Uri Aug 25, 2018 05:37 PM

HC2S3 are analog sensors (use 2 SE channels each).

Like JDavis suggested you can change the internal jumper of the PTB110 so it will be always on. That way you don't need to connect it to a control port.

anbo Aug 27, 2018 11:59 AM


We will also need a few other sensors, so it will not be possible without the SDM-IO16. I will definitely keep the PTB110 in the always-on position for this project as you suggested.

Thank you

Uri Aug 27, 2018 01:53 PM


Also, keep in mind that if you need control ports for SDI-12 sensors you can use multiple sensors in the same port. All you need to do is change sensor internal address from the default 0 to 1-9 or a-z.

The same goes with some other digital sensors that have internal address.

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