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Receiving SMS via Maxon Intelimax MA-2060

BruceJ Aug 30, 2018 04:15 AM


I am just wondering if anyone has successfully recieved SMS control messages via an Maxon Intelimax MA-2060 modem. I have managed to send SMS messages from a CR1000 conncted via serial. And I can receive a string to say that there is a SMS message ready to be read in the modem. But I cant seem to find the correct hayse "AT" command to read the SMS string in code. The Maxon User Manual does not seem to contain the information. 




JDavis Aug 30, 2018 10:58 PM

I don't know if it will work, but I have this example program that read a SMS message using standard GSM AT commands. The CR200, I used in the example, has very limited serial commands. More could be done with a CR1000. The CR1000 would use SerialOut, SerialIn, and SplitStr commands.


'CR200 Series Datalogger
'Example of reading a received SMS message from a cellular modem

'Declare Public Variables
Public SMSCont(5) 'SMS message contents
Public Pos  'Memory position where the SMS message is stored
Public SMSFailCode '0 = success, 1 = no data/response, 2 = less than 3 values

Public batt_volt

'Define Data Tables
DataTable (Test,1,1000)
  DataInterval (0,1,min)
  Average (1,SMSCont(3),False)
  'other output

'Main Program
  Pos = 1
  Scan (5,Sec)
    Battery (batt_volt)

    'Output command to modem
    Print (-2,9600,"AT+CMGR=",Pos,CHR$(13))
    SMSCont(1) = NAN 'Need to clear values, or won't see if message failed
    SMSCont(2) = NAN
    SMSCont(3) = NAN
    SMSCont(4) = NAN
    SMSCont(5) = NAN

    'Need a proper delay
    Delay (4,sec)

    'Read response from modem
    'SMS needs to have a distinct start, and be numeric values separated by comma
    'Ex SMS:    "$$1234,567,89"   (no spaces)
    SerialInput (SMSCont(),5,13,$$)
    'SMSCont(1) will still be NAN if failed

    If SMSCont(1) = NAN Then
      SMSFailCode = 1
    ElseIf SMSCont(3) = NAN Then
      SMSFailCode = 2
      SMSFailCode = 0

    'Erase SMS message
    Print (-2,9600,"AT+CMGD=",Pos,CHR$(13))   'Unable to process response to verify success

    CallTable Test


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