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CR310 limited to 1 table?

Steve Sep 21, 2018 09:01 PM

I'm having issues with only the first calltable instruction creating output.

3 sec scan and a 2 min scan

3 tables, one at 2 min, one at 5 min, one at 10 min

calltable instructions are at the end of the 2min scan before next scan.  Only the first of the three calltable instructions are generating tables.

I've looked at the table info but don't see any time issues.

Any thoughts out there?

JDavis Sep 21, 2018 09:18 PM

I suggest making a simple program in ShortCut with tables out those intervals. Then compare the code it generates to your program.

Steve Sep 21, 2018 09:52 PM


A test program in shortcut seems to work.

I think it comes down to invisible issues when a program is built in shortcut, opened and modied in crbasic editor, some instructions cut and pasted.   I'm going to build from scratch in crbasic editor.

I haven't tried the If Status.PortStatus(2)=false versus the If CheckPort yet.


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