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How to connect a device via RS-232 or C1, C2 of CR6.

Le Zohar Nov 8, 2018 11:33 AM

Hi everybody

I bought a CR6, I wanted to connect it to a device (RS-232) via RS-232 or ComC1 port and get the data from that device to the computer. Currently, I'm trying to access the CR6 via USB, and the configuration for the ComC1 and ComRS232 ports. Once configured, I still can not access CR6 by ComC1 or ComRS232.
And what code to use to open the ComC1 and ComRS232 ports

I hope to receive detailed instructions so that I know where I am wrong.

Help me connect a PC with CR6 via COMRS-232 or ComC1

Look forward to helping from everyone. Thank you so much!

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