I've using the datalogger CR300 for 2 months, everything was normal untill the logger doesn't response. Whe I try to connect to the computer through PC200W 4.5 appears this message:
Failure: 19-02-2019 18:16:39.989
transaction failure","unreachable destination","Get Logger Program Status
Failure: 19-02-2019 18:16:39.989
transaction failure","unreachable destination","check/set clock
Failure: 19-02-2019 18:16:39.989
delivery failure received","timed out or resource error
Failure: 19-02-2019 18:16:45.053
write failed
Failure: 19-02-2019 18:16:45.053
write failed
what can I do to solve this problem??
Do you know the os revision? A few versions ago, I can't remember which one, the cr300 would run as you describe then just stop. It may just need the current os to get you going again.
Try with 'Device Configuration Utility' (the right button at the icons menu)
You can check if the computer 'see' the datalogger by pressing the 3 dot button next to the COM port window on down left side of the window. It will also show you the COM port number if the computer 'see' the datalogger.
After you connect to the datalogger with 'Device Confguration Utility' it my also offer you to upgrade your datalogger OS to the latest version.
Same issue, can't seem to upgrade OS to 10.03 due to connection error / time out.
However, i got it working. I had to connect over RS-232 (9600 baud rate) to COM1 on laptop with the battery power supplied as well, not relying on the micro_USB interface. OS 10.03 updated fine with loggernet' device configuration utility.