This program is to retrieve data from remote CRVW3s to a CR300. The CRVW3s are recording data at 12-hour intervals.
The MaxRecord Value is not working as expected. When the value is "1", I retrieve the same record every time the program scans. When I changed it to "-100", the CR300 did not recieve any values. When I changed it to "-1", I recieved old records from the beggining of collecting data on the CRVW3. Using a MaxRecord of "5", the CR300 did not get any values. The program was updated for a MaxRecord value of "1" (again)and the CR300 recieved data but duplicated it every scan. I am looking to recieve the latest record only one time.
Below is the main part of the program:
'Main Program scanning data ever 5 minutes
Scan (5,min,0,0)
'adding 1+32768 to the remote table number is required
'to avoid a -7 table signature mismatch code (returned to GDRResult1/2)
'The PakBus address of the CRVW3 is "101", the PakBus neighbor to route through is "0"
'The radio is connected to the Internal RF407
'MaxRecords = -100 to get the 100 most recent records in timestamped order
'Base Station Scan
'Default CR300 Datalogger Processor Temperature measurement 'PTemp_C'
'Type T Thermocouple measurements 'Temp_F'
'Call Data Tables and Store Data
CallTable Temp_Base
Any help would be appreciated.