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Change schedule interval of loggernet from datalogger side

a.kim Apr 12, 2019 06:35 AM

How can the datalogger inform the loggernet server about the alarm and change the schedule interval?

In other words. If usually the update time on the server is 1 hour, and some event has occurred, then we will know about it only in an hour. Can the registrar notify the logernet about the event? And Change the update interval. Sorry for my English)

jra Apr 12, 2019 02:10 PM

a.kim Apr 12, 2019 05:16 PM

Thanks for the answer. I think this is what I need, but I’m not sure, because there is a PTemp variable in the example:
SendVariables (SendResult, 0, -1.4094,0000.0, "Public", "Callback", PTemp, 1)

If I understand correctly, this script will update only the table in which the variable PTemp is located? Or does this script initiate data collection from all tables?

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