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Empty File

Dams Jul 12, 2019 09:43 AM

I try unsuccessfully to upload files to an FTP server with a CR1000.

When I use a CR1000 (with the latest OS32).The file is sent to the FTP server, it is created at the server but it is empty. When I take a CR1000X and I upload the same program. It's work, The file is available on the server with the data. I tried with a CR6 same observation.

I do not understand. Is there any problem using FTPCLient with a CR1000?

JDavis Jul 16, 2019 09:23 PM

Maybe your server is timing out the transaction part way through. The CR1000X and CR6 both are much faster at FTP than a CR1000.

Dams Jul 23, 2019 07:57 AM

The FTP'server returned an error message regarding a problem with the TLS : "The client attempted to perform a full TLS negotiation for a data connection. The client must resume the TLS session from the control connection by issuing a TLS Abbreviated TLS with a valid TLS session ID."

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