Hello All,
I have multiple CELL210's and we are using a Private IP Verizon account here at the University of Florida. I discovered that if you include more than one 'trusted IP address' the CELL210 will not pass and data to the datalogger. Fortunately, all out LoggerNet servers have the same IP address so only a 'wildcard' is needed at the end of the trusted address.
Since we are using old CR10X's and set the BAUD rate to 9600 baud, we can use our old SC932A's and the even older SC932's even the new SC105 without any problem.
Larry Treadaway - University of Florida / IFAS Office of Information Technology
Is that with OS version 1 or version 2 on the CELL210?
We were able to reproduce the issue this morning. The fix for this issue will be in the next release of the modem's operating system.
Reply to JDavis, OS Version 1 as there is no OS Version 2 as far as I know.
Correction to JDavis, there is a OS Version 2, apparently they created it last week.
To Everyone, apparently when you put in any Trusted Addresses, the modem will not pass data to the datalogger.