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variable out of bounds

#RD@2020 Sep 23, 2019 01:24 PM

I need help to solve the problem I am currently using cr3000 datalogger. the error is variable out of bounds

could you tell me the solution of error

GaryTRoberts Sep 23, 2019 02:08 PM

You might have a variable that is pointing to an array that is not big enough to hold the data.

For example:

Public my_data_array(5)

.... in program

For i = 1 To 10 Step 1


Next i 


As the program tries to step through the array 10 times, it can't, because the array only has 5 elements in it.

This might be this issue you are running into. Without seeing your code, we won't be able to pin it down to the specific issue.

#RD@2020 Sep 23, 2019 05:25 PM

Thanks for the reply.

I Compiled the program it gives the warning and prog signature = 1389 .is it correct or not?

another question is I need data in degree Celsius it shows in microstrain please tell me the solution?

GaryTRoberts Sep 23, 2019 07:56 PM

Without having access to your program, I can't answer the first question with certainty. Also without the specification sheet for the sensor, I also can't answer the second question.

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