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Data tables missing lines

MattL Sep 30, 2019 09:02 PM

We are using a CR1000 datalogger to control a sampler during storm events.  It always records data every 15 minutes, like stage, turbidity, and conductivity.  And then during storms it writes to a sample history table.  

It is supposed to record the 15 minute data, but during storms it often skips the adjacent 15 minute data point and it doesn't matter if it's before or after.  For example.  Let's say my sampler collected a sample at 2:01.  The 15 minute data table would be missing the record at 2:00.  And if it took another sample at 2:29, it would be missing another 15 minute data record at 2:30.  

It should be able to record to both tables and not lose out on any 15 minute data regardless of what the sampler is doing.  

Any ideas?

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