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Arduino pro to campbell CR10X datalogger via Serial

snf Dec 20, 2019 02:09 PM

Good morning,

On the one hand I have an arduino pro, where I have connected 2 5TE sensors and 2 Teros 21 sensors, which use the SDI-12 protocol. On the other side, I have a CR10X datalogger, with the SC32B adapter. I would like to know if someone can explain to me, how can I send the information captured by the arduino to the datalogger via serial.

Thank you very much for your help.

GaryTRoberts Dec 20, 2019 04:29 PM

Why not just have the datalogger read the SDI-12 sensors directly?

snf Dec 20, 2019 05:05 PM

In my project, I am using the arduino to control some actuators. So I take the information of the sensors to act. And the objective is to use the datalogger to store the information.

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