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Integration of GPS16X-HVS with CR300 for tracking mobile stations

Michael Lily Jan 23, 2020 09:16 PM

Has anyone used the GPS16X-HVS with a CR300 to track a mobile station? Our application is measuring lake temperature transects with a boat, which will measure air temperature and lake temperature at set depths. Shortcut does not indicate you can use a GPS16X-HVS with a CR300, though the GPS16X-HVS manual indicates you can. Interested in anyone who has any documented applications of this type of mobile station.

JDavis Jan 23, 2020 10:01 PM

If you don't see the GPS available in ShortCut for the CR300, you need to install a more recent version of ShortCut. It will appear in the Miscellaneous category of sensors.

Michael Lily Jan 23, 2020 10:16 PM

Thanks, we were using Version 4.0, so updating now,

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