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CR1000 not storing data for 15min table (which was specified) but can see the data in public table. What might be the problem?

param(nmsu) Mar 27, 2020 08:30 PM

I am using CR1000 to gather climate data. I have two tables specified for data collection (at 15 min interval and second daily table). But when I am downloading the data I don't get these two tables. It seems the datalogger didn't store the data. I can see the sensors are running and recording by looking at Public table. There are no watchdog errors or skipped scans. WHat can be the problem? 

Sam Apr 11, 2020 11:07 PM

Some possible explanations

* CallTable is not used

* Scan interval is not evenly divisable into the DataTable DataInterval

* Your software settings are not set to collect those data tables

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