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Memoryfree and CPU Free

kokihualpa Apr 1, 2020 05:04 AM

In my cr1000 in one station:

In Connect screen in table monitor: Status, I see

Memoryfree: 39832 bytes

But in Filecontrol:

Device CPU   Bytes Free: 442.88kb

Why they are differents?

JDavis Apr 1, 2020 02:31 PM

Memoryfree is the amount of unallocated RAM. If you have any autoallocated data tables, expect the value to similar to what you see.

The CPU drive is a flash memory chip for program storage.

kokihualpa Apr 2, 2020 04:54 PM

Thank you

what about the USR drive? 

JDavis Apr 3, 2020 04:45 PM

The USR drive is 0 bytes by default. You can divide part of the RAM in the datalogger to use as the USR (user) drive. That is generally only needed if connecting a camera to the datalogger, or using the TableFile instruction.

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