I'm facing a strange problem at the time of compiling the program in CRBasic.How can I remove Invalid or out of place instruction for "CheckAlarm,AlarmStatus(1) = alsNone" and "ComposeAlarmTime"?
My Program is for Strain gauges ' Warnings and alarms " limits
Below is some part of the program
' --- Warnings and alarms ---
' Warning limits
Dim WrnLoStrain(NoOfSG) ' Strain lower limits [µstrain]
Dim WrnUpStrain(NoOfSG) ' Strain upper limits [µstrain]
' Alarm limits
Dim AlmLoStrain(NoOfSG) ' Strain lower limits [µstrain]
Dim AlmUpStrain(NoOfSG) ' Strain upper limits [µstrain]
ixStrainAvg = 1
ixTempAvg = 1
LoggerID=Status.StationName(1,1) & " " & PgmVer
Flg_Single = False
Flg_Auto = True
Flg_SW12V = True
IsTableTrig = False
FillParams ' Fill parameters from ini file
AlmStrnlvl() = 0
AlarmStatus(1) = alsNone
AlarmChanged = False
AlarmMsgRdy = False
NextScan ' End of main scan loop
Scan (10, sec, 0, 0)
If TimeIntoInterval (0, 1, min) Then
FillParams ' Fill parameters from ini file
If NOT AlarmMsgRdy Then ' Perform check only if PC has read AlarmStatus
If AlarmChanged Then
Dim TimeStamp(9) As Long ' Date and time when the alarm was detected
RealTime (TimeStamp)
ComposeAlarmTime (TimeStamp)
AlarmMsgRdy = True ' Notify PC that alarm data are ready
AlarmChanged = False
Thanks! I really appreciate your help. I need a response ASAP.