Dear all, we have bought a cs120A but we have problem to obtain data with a cr1000/cr3000 or cr1000x
i just want a basic program to obtain the visibility with this device
in addition we have the convertor SDM-SI01A but we can't find a solution to connect on the datalogger.
all help will be great !
The CS120A is supported in the ShortCut program generator. If you do not see it as an option, download a newer version of ShortCut for Windows from the website.
Dear JDavis
thanks for your answer.
i agree it's on shortcut but we can't found a solution to use the visibility sensor with the SDM-SI01A.
MAybe you have an idea to make, or modify the specific program?
The only change needed if using the SDM-SIO1A is the comport name. The number for the comport depends on the SDM address set on the SDM-SIO1A. The manual for the SDM-SIO1A has a table of comports numbers.
Basically any instruction in the program that starts with "Serial" will need the comport number changed in it.
Dear Jdavis, could you look at the following code ? because i have only Nan answers :
I'm sorry, i'm not really expert with this sensor..
Public Visibility
Public InString As String * 60
Public SerialIndest(20) As String, NBytesReturned
Public ChecksumOK As Boolean
Alias SerialIndest(1)=Message_ID '0..2
Alias SerialIndest(2)=Sensor_ID '0..9
Alias SerialIndest(3)=System_status '0..3
Alias SerialIndest(4)=Interval_time '1..3600
Alias SerialIndest(5)=Visibilitystr '0..32000 meters
Alias SerialIndest(6)= VisibilityUnits 'M or F for Meters or Feet
Alias SerialIndest(7)=Averaging_duration '1 or 10 minutes
Alias SerialIndest(8)=User_alarm_1 '0..1 - Visibility compared to Threshold One
Alias SerialIndest(9)=User_alarm_2 '0..1 - Visibility compared to Threshold Two
Alias SerialIndest(10)=Emitter_failure '0..2 - Emitter Failure
Alias SerialIndest(11)=Emitter_lens_dirty '0..3 - Emitter Lens Dirty
Alias SerialIndest(12)=Emitter_temp_error '0..3 - Emitter Temperature
Alias SerialIndest(13)=Detector_lens_dirty '0..3 - Detector Lens Dirty
Alias SerialIndest(14)=Detector_temp_error '0..3 - Detector Temperature
Alias SerialIndest(15)=Detector_saturated '0..1 - Detector DC Saturation Level
Alias SerialIndest(16)=Hood_temp_error '0..3 - Hood Temperature
Alias SerialIndest(17)=Signature_error '0..1 - Signature Error
Alias SerialIndest(18)=Flash_read_error '0..1 - Flash Read Error
Alias SerialIndest(19)=Flash_write_error '0..1 - Flash Write Error
Alias SerialIndest(20)= checksumrx
Const CS120_Comport=33
Units Visibility = metres
DataTable (Visibilite, True,-1)
Sample (1,Visibility, IEEE4)
Sample (1,Detector_lens_dirty,FP2)
Sample (1,Detector_saturated,FP2)
Sample (1,Detector_temp_error,FP2)
Sample (1,Emitter_failure,FP2)
Sample (1,Emitter_lens_dirty,FP2)
Sample (1,Emitter_temp_error,FP2)
Sample (1,Flash_read_error,FP2)
Sample (1,Flash_write_error,FP2)
Dim blnHsMsgBeenRecdInMinute As Boolean
SerialOpen (CS120_Comport,38400,48,0,1000)
If IfTime (0,60,Sec) Then
blnHsMsgBeenRecdInMinute = false
SerialInRecord(CS120_Comport,InString,02,0,03, NBytesReturned,01)
If NBytesReturned > 0 Then
SplitStr( SerialIndest(),InString, " " ,20,5)
blnHsMsgBeenRecdInMinute = true
ChecksumOK =(HexToDec(checksumrx)=CheckSum(InString,2,InStr(1,InString,CHR(0),0)))
If ChecksumOK Then Visibility= Visibilitystr Else Visibility= NaN
CallTable Visibilite
If IfTime (50,60,Sec) Then
If blnHsMsgBeenRecdInMinute = false Then
InString =" "
SplitStr (SerialIndest(),InString,"",20,5)
Visibility= NaN