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Can't connect to my Datalogger outside local network

ACHBANI Hamza Dec 17, 2020 04:55 PM


I'm trying to set up a CR1000X Data logger, I want to be able to monitor the data from my phone, when I do it with the phone connected to the same network as the Data Logger, it works, but as I switch to mobile network in my phone, the connection fails. This is definitely because I'm setting the Data logger with an local ip adresse (192.168.x.x). Though, I can't figure out a way to get a Data logger's global IP Adresse.

Any idea on how I can figure this out ? 


XxVashxX Dec 17, 2020 06:38 PM

Hello you have to talk with your IT department to asign a public and static IP for the datalogger, so you can ping to that IP from any network with internet acces.

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