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software program review ( please help me ^^;)

to-ya farm Jun 15, 2021 05:06 PM


 I installed an AWS to use CR1000X and LoggerNet. 

I have not verifed accuracy or structure of software program.

is there some kind of service to review program files ?

I like to use such service if i can.

or maybe someone help me to review software program files. ^^;

korean government institude's AWS and my AWS are close 

they checked same data about rainfall sensor(model : WDR-205 made in korea).

one thing strange about them is that they have 1 day gap when i check rainfall data later.

public servant said that my data is delayed. 

below link is my CR1X file and rainfall data. i think all data have been recorded by being delayed.



mickmilers Jun 19, 2021 03:35 PM

I think that is a great solution! Thanks!

to-ya farm Jun 23, 2021 09:25 PM

i correct rainfall model would be WDSA-200.


How can i open .cr1x file?

and someone told me that 1minute data can be created without 1day gap.

ex.) 00:01->24:00 not 00:00->24:00

to-ya farm Jun 23, 2021 09:26 PM

i correct rainfall model would be WDSA-200.


How can i open .cr1x file?

and someone told me that 1minute data can be created without 1day gap.

ex.) 00:01->24:00 not 00:00->24:00

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