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Write with ModbusMaster

cristian24 Jun 24, 2021 11:50 AM

Hi, I need to simply write to the "Holding Regs" registers with the ModbusMaster() statement, on a ModBus slave device. (with TCP/IP)

I have managed to read into those registers but not write to them, with the TCOpen() statement.

Please, can someone help me?

Sam Jul 6, 2021 12:36 AM

A Modbus server/slave 

Public ModbusReg(3)
Public ModbusCoil As Boolean


  ModbusSlave (502,0,1,ModbusReg,ModbusCoil,2)

  Scan (1,Sec,0,0)

    ModbusReg(1) = ModbusReg(1) + 1
    ModbusReg(2) = ModbusReg(2) + 0.1
    ModbusCoil = NOT ModbusCoil



A Modbus client/master example


Public Handle As Long
Public ModbusReg(2)
Public ModbusRegWrite
Public Result As Long
Public Result2 As Long


  Scan (1,Sec,0,0)

    'open connection
    TCPOpen ("",502,1000,7500,Handle,1)

    'read qty 2, 32 bit values starting at register 1
    ModbusMaster (Result,Handle,0,1,3,ModbusReg,1,2,1,100,2)

    ModbusRegWrite += 0.001
    'write qty 1, 32 bit value starting at register 5
    ModbusMaster (Result2,Handle,0,3,16,ModbusRegWrite,5,1,1,100,2)



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