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Status Radio RSSI Refresh Rate

BBTech Sep 16, 2021 05:26 PM

Thanks for the reply, however, it doesn’t seem to refresh when a packet is received by the CR300-RF407.

I have two loggers, a CR300-RF407 (PB-3) and a CR6 (PB-1) connected to an RF407 radio (PB-2).

The RF407 radio and the CR6 are connected together via the RS232 ports on both devices.

The CR6 scan interval is 5 sec. It sends the battery voltage to the CR300 using the SendVariables instruction.

The CR300 scan interval is also 5 sec. The battery voltage variable is received within the scan interval.

In addition, the program retrieves the RF Signal Level from the CR6’s Radio (RF407) using the GetVariables instruction..

However, the Status.RadioRSSI and Status.RadioRSSIAddr are not refreshed, it takes approximately 90 sec. to get updated.

Any clue?

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