Hi to All,
I have an IP cam connected ethernet to a CR6 through a router / switch. Unfortunately the cam does not have an FTP function. Does anyone know a way to capture photos via commands / terminal / protocols, to be run by the CR6.
Some IP cameras, such as the Campbell Scientific CCFC, have an HTTP interface that allows for the retrieval of the most current image. If your "IP cam" does also, then you might be able to use the HTTPGet() instruction to retrieve the image to file.
Header = "" 'need to initialize FileName = "netcam.jpg" 'just initializing, httpget will update with actual name based on filemanage rules Handle = HTTPGet (CamURL,FileName,Header) 'try to get image FileBytes = FileSize (FileName) 'how big is the file we just got? Handle = TCPClose (Handle)
Dear Sam
many thanks
I start with some test.
If you can ping the IP cam with a computer you could try using gnuwin wget commands.
wget --user "camuser" --password "security" --tries=%TRYNUM% -o download.txt --no-check-certificate http://IPADDRESS/jpg/image.jpg 1> NUL 2> NUL
A lot of IP cameras have different urls to get to the current image so read the docs on that if this method fits your use case. I realize it's not exactly what you're asking for.