I need your help, I have a station with a cr1000x connected to a hugues 9502 satellite modem, this station sends data to an ftp, but the data consumption is very high.
we want to apply a firewall to restrict any consumption. There should only be data consumption when sending to FTP,alarms and remote connection through loggernet (connect).
What considerations should I have in order to achieve that the applied firewall can connect me to the station remotely.
ports, IPs,IPpublics, ...?
Some things you can do, in no particular order
* Use private IP and not public IP address. I.e. limit your uncontrollable, public exposure.
* If using H9502 on public IP, only forward IP ports required (for example, 6785). I.e. limit your public exposure.
* Power down H9502 when not in use. Either switch power or use pin 9 on GNSS port. I.e. if the unit is down, it can't use data.
* Instead of using PakBus/TCP client, consider using TCPOpen(), TCPClose() so you have complete control over outbound PakBus/TCP connections.
Just some thoughts.
We need alarms to be sent, these alarms must send once they are detected. which ports and which ip should be free in a firewall, so that the "email relay@konectgds.com" alarms can be sent.