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Modem COM110A not responding

tingeman Nov 3, 2021 12:01 AM

I am trying to reconfigure a COM110A modem using talk-through a CR800 datalogger., following the procedure described in the COM110A manual.

The modem is connected to the CR800 CS I/O port using a SC-WMI and a SC12 cable.

The CR800 (RS232 port) is connected to the pc using a USB-RS232 cable.

The modem has power, and the green LED is flashing every 2-3 sec.

When trying to open a port to the COM110A (using the terminal in Device Configuration Utility), the datalogger hangs with the following console output:


1: ComRS232
2: ComME
3: Com310
4: ComSDC7
5: ComSDC8
6: Com320
7: ComSDC10
8: ComSDC11
9: COM1
10: COM2
12: SDM-SIO4
32..47: SDM-SIO1
Select: 2

 opening 2

 Communication between PC and logger is at 115200 baud.

For the CS I/O communication (ComME), I have tried to set baud rate to 37800(fixed), , 115200(fixed) and 115200(auto).

The modem is not replying in any of the attempts.

The logger is updated to firmware CR800_OS_32.05

I'd be happy for any suggestions... what/how I can try/test the connection to the modem.

Thank you

Thomas Ingeman-Nielsen

nsw Nov 4, 2021 02:03 PM

The LED flashing every 2-3 secs shows it is has signed on to the network. Did you disable the PPP in the PPP tab, as recommended in the manual? Just in case the program is turning it back on, load a simple program to the CR800 before you try the connection through the ComME again. 

The only two bad rates CS recommended for this device was 9600 or 115200. I would suspect it is on 9600 baud.

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