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CR200X and strings in variables?

Nico Mar 10, 2022 04:20 PM

as per title.. is the CR200X capable of dealing with strings in variables?

I can define a variable in CRBasic as array.. but as soon as I try to assign a string to it later in the code the compilation comes back with an error 'Invalid symbol in expression'.

Use case: I want to receive the SDI-12 ID of a sensor via SDI12Recorder (command: ai!).. but that fails, so I tried above and that isn't working either.
The manual doesn't point to the logger not being capable of it (as far as I can see) nor does the online help say something along those lines?

What do I miss?

Nico Mar 11, 2022 05:11 AM

Going through the manual again there is this in Appendix A:

A datum consisting of alpha-numeric characters. CR200(X) dataloggers do not support the STRING variable type.

Does this mean the CR200X is unable to use SDI-12 command 'aI!'?.. do anything with the response?
It can't even store the individual characters as bytecode?

Rather lame..

JDavis Mar 11, 2022 10:27 PM

IT has been years since I tried using the identify command within a CR200 program. If I remember correctly, it did parse out byte codes from the reponse. The result was messy, and not much you could do with it.

For string support, a CR300 would be recommended.

Of course, there are not problems using the aI! command manually in the terminal of the CR200.

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