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Loggernet installations where the network is protected

smile Mar 11, 2022 03:21 AM

Hi to All,

It has happened to make Loggernet installations at institutional customers where the network is protected and it is impossible to use the 6785 port to reach IP a remote logger. There is a solution to this problem. Usually the network administrator says to use only standard ports.


Nico Mar 11, 2022 04:13 AM

the PakBus/TCP port of the logger can be changed via Device Config Tool!?!

And if you need to set the IP port of the Loggernet server for calling outward.. there is a PakBus TcpServer that you can add (Setup Tool) to the PakBus route as root, to make this work afaik: PakBusTcpServer

The PakBus TcpServer can accommodate multiple incoming PakBus/TCP connections to service the stations attached to it. Therefore, the same IP port can be used to listen for incoming connections from multiple dataloggers.
The Outbound PakBus Connections portion of the Routing tab can be used to specify IP addresses and port numbers to be used for outgoing connections to specific dataloggers attached to the PakBus TcpServer. The Maintained Nodes portion of the Routing tab can be used to cause LoggerNet to maintain a connection with a range of these dataloggers, once an incoming connection has been established.

As for the network admins closing off port ranges within their LAN/WAN re security.. find new ones. The ones you got suck.

smile Mar 14, 2022 08:04 AM

Ok many thanks I try it

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