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Is there a way to show tab characters in the terminal emulator?

Russ Miller Apr 14, 2022 06:22 PM

I have several serial instruments that use a tab to delimit data fields.  The Loggernet terminal emulator seems to ignore tabs so all of the fields run together in serial talk through even though they parse fine in my crbasic programs.  

It would be very helpful to have a character substitution (eg space or "." or the arrow symbol),  a tab rendered with some number of spaces (4?), either as a default or with a checkbox.

nsw Apr 20, 2022 03:33 PM

If you use Serial Watcher instaed of the TalkThrough mode, you can see all the Hex characters sent and received by the datalogger. This will include all the control characters which are not displayed in the TalkThrough mode.

Russ Miller Apr 22, 2022 08:34 PM

Thanks, That does work and is often very good for initial debugging in particular.  I use talkthrough for remote instrument configuration and in that case some way of inserting space for the tabs would really help readability - Perhaps this could be considered for a future release of Loggernet.

Thanks for you suggestion to use serial watcher.

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