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on battery and charging

ma Apr 17, 2022 03:41 AM

Hi All

I have a simple program running and I just happen to be monitoring the battery on every cycle. I know its not necessary it just happened. 

For fun I plotted the battery voltage using the real time monitor and notice that the battery voltage swings between approximate 7.2 and 11.5 volts. I was surprised to see this because the charger is plugged into AC power continuously.  

Is this normal operation, I have never plotted battery voltage in realtime and this was a bit of a surprise, so I thought I would ask.


Michael Lily Apr 17, 2022 03:00 PM


This is not normal, unless you have an issue with your power system. Would help to describe your system, type of logger, power, other sensors or loads, commands used for batter voltage. Also, are you confirming your battery power with a volt meter. This is a low battery voltage, so may also indicate a battery quality problem.

Following is an example of battery voltage for a solar powered system in Texas, see options under plot for voltages, current, etc.

- https://gwscientific.com/Caddo_Lake/GCL01_Diag.html

Hope this helps,


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