I am trying to send data from a CR1000 to another dataloger via SDI-12. I have tested the setup with the example CRbasic editor program and that works. I am trying to define the variables that get sent.
How do I have it send data stored in the data table? I want maximun and average vaules for the data table not instantious.
How do I fill out the SDI12SensorResponse section?
Here is the program with the SDI12SensorResponse part from the example program.
EndTable DataTable(Table2,True,-1) DataInterval(0,1440,Min,10) Minimum(1,BattV,FP2,False,False) EndTable 'Main Program BeginProg 'Main Scan Scan(5,Sec,1,0) 'Default CR1000 Datalogger Battery Voltage measurement 'BattV' Battery(BattV) 'Default CR1000 Datalogger Wiring Panel Temperature measurement 'PTemp_C' PanelTemp(PTemp_C,_60Hz) '05106 Wind Speed & Direction Sensor measurements 'WS_ms' and 'WindDir' PulseCount(WS_ms,1,1,1,1,0.098,0) BrHalf(WindDir,1,mV2500,1,1,1,2500,True,20000,_60Hz,355,0) If WindDir>=355 OR WindDir<0 Then WindDir=0 'Call Data Tables and Store Data CallTable Table1 CallTable Table2 NextScan SlowSequence SDI12SensorSetup (4,1,0,4) Delay(1,3,sec) 'How do I get the vaiables stored in the table to export via the SDI-12?' SDI12SensorResponse (SDI12Source)
Copy values into your SDI12Source.
This post is under review.