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CR800 crash during an update

Benjamin.vial Dec 13, 2023 09:31 AM


EDIT : I remake this topic because I was able to reproduce the error, and read (this time) the all error message. I can reproduce it by open the CR800 case and remove the 3.6 lithium battery, but after a crash, the CR800 stay stuck.

So, I tried to update a CR800 (4mb version) to the very last version 32.06.

But something goes wrong during the process.

"No response received for the last fragment. The whole operating system could not be sent. The device will probably not boot after this. In order to recover, the operating system must be re-sent. "

So I tried again to send the OS, but the same message appear : I can't clean the install.

Maybe if I had the 32.05 OS I could try to re-install it on the CR800, but I don't know where to find it now ?

Is there a way to repair the install of the CR800 ?

Benjamin.vial Dec 13, 2023 02:49 PM

Well, I was able to retrieve my CR800 by downgrade the OS to 32.05 (actually the old revision were pretty accesible, just had to made search on the site).

So, is there a way to prevent the crash of the CR800 ?

Are there feedback about CR800 crash by updating to 32.06 ?


Benjamin.vial Dec 15, 2023 07:31 AM

So, I solve the problem.

For those who could have the same issue, if you read the CR800 website page, at the download section, it is said :

"Note: This OS has crossed the 2 Meg CR800 size limit for remote download.  The OS must be downloaded to the 2 Meg CR800 via direct connect with the Device Configuration Utility.  All OS download methods are supported by the 4 Meg CR800."

I strongly recommand to use direct serial link in any case, even with the 4Mb version. Otherwise, it will crash and you could not be able to recover your datalogger unless you open it, and pick up the lithium battery.

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